Cutest earphones ever

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Apple earphones the one that comes with my iPhone, is nearing death. Well the earbuds are alright but the control is not working anymore and I don't know if the MIC does also after almost 6 months of usage. Yup! no earphones have been with me for a year, I'm just not careful with my earphones. Earlier, I bought new one, not because I'm looking for it, but it found me! LOL, well my friend did. Super cute Hello Kitty earphones, as you all know I love Hello Kitty and it's pink!! It is also available in white but I like the pink one. Now she kicked my Apple earphones straight to retirement. LOL. But, there's something missing in this earphone, MIC. But who cares? I can remove my earphones and answer my phone, hassle? Yeah. But it's still Hello Kitty so I don't mind, maybe in the future I will, but not today.